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 Post subject: Rules
PostPosted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 6:28 pm 
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Forum Rules

By following these rules, your chances of becoming part of the staff team will surely increase. Likewise, a staff member who breaks these rules often will cease to be part of the staff. Excessive breaking of any of these results will result in various unwanted effects, varying from simple warnings to permanent bans, depending on the weight of the matter...

Below are the various main rules of these forums. To understand what we mean by them, we suggest you read the more in-depth paragraphs describing them further below.

• Do not over-advertise any sort of subject.
• Do not spam...
• No flaming or trolling is allowed.
• No major Inappropriate material in any form is allowed. Minor inappropriate material is also not allowed.
• Please do not post excessive, unnecessary, and useless stuff in the shoutbox that is going to cause disturbances and annoyance...
• Please do not use rickrolls that will take over the viewer's browser...
• Please do not use swear words as an insult. (Swearing in a non-insulting way is fine)
• Please do not belittle, insult, or treat users in any sort of bullying matter.
• Do not post links to illegal material, such as video game roms and emulators.
• No chain mail/PMing!
• Do not post any links to any websites unless you are affiliated with us.

Referral Links

If you post a referral link anywhere on this website, it must be announced that it is a referral link! Here's an example:

Bad example wrote:

Good example wrote:

Note: This is a referral link.

If the link benefits you in ANY WAY when clicked, then it is a referral link.


Spam is anything that is useless, unnecessary, somewhat annoying, often disturbing, and takes up space without the need to. Spamming is a term used to describe the excessive usage of spam for one's own apparent "benefit"...despite the fact all spamming will get you is not very enjoyable.

Spamming will cause you to be viewed by other more responsible users as an annoying user. Most of them will not be willing to interact with you as much, and some might be repelled by you. In a site where everyone tries to be friendly, you should also put your part in by avoiding doing things that will cause people to be repelled by you. And spamming is perhaps the most common way for users to get others to dislike them.

If you spam, you will first get notified. Excessive spamming will lead to phpBB warnings, and those will hurt you as they build up. Spammers get a smaller chance to become staff members, but we're always willing to forgive you if you truly change.

The shoutbox is also a place where excessive posting of annoying, useless, repetitive, unnecessary stuff becomes something similar to spamming. It will be treated like spamming. Despite that, the two aren't quite the same...although making one unnecessary post in the forums is spam, making one unnecessary post in the shoutbox is not considered as so. Don't abuse the fact that you ca post useless stuff in the shoutbox, because as stated above, excessiveness that causes disturbances is still treated like spam.

RickRolling/Related Media

Rickrolls are considered spam, like they normally are anywhere else. Moderate usage of rickrolls is fine once in a while in the shoutbox...

However...rickrolls that take over the whole browser will result in an automatic ban for the user who produced the rickroll. Even if the person "gave a warning", saying that if others clicked on it, it would take over their browser, it still takes over the browser, and that's the whole reason why it results in the "awarding" of a ban...(Something no one would like to be awarded...)

Please be moderate when it comes to the usage of rickrolls or other variations that take the user to a non-harmful link, and avoid using rickrolls or any other variation that take over the viewer's browser. ;)

Inappropriate Behavior

Aside from swearing, posting excessive minor or major inappropriate material in any form is not allowed. Flaming and trolling, which are terms used to describe the usage of posting maters that are going to cause controversy and might provoke conflict and maybe even fights are also not allowed. Causing fights or engaging in fights themselves are not permitted either.

Excessive begging and whining, as well as excessive advertising, can get annoying, and we advise you do not do this over and over to avoid issues.

Bullying/Inappropriate treatment towards others

Do not treat your fellow users like waste...even if you do not use swears or cause fights, the simple act of belittling them and even insulting them over and over is wrong and inappropriate. Treat others as you would like to be treated yourself, and use your common sense when speaking with others. Do not treat people as inferiors; even if you are a global moderator, treating a new user in a mean manner is still wrong.

Illegal Material

Do not post any links to video game roms or emulators anywhere on the site, for it is considered illegal material, and will get you in deep trouble. Posting rom patches are perfectly legal, and should be posted in the "Rom Hacks" section if you wish to share them. If you do not what roms, emulators, patches, or hacks are, and are confused about the matter of posting illegal material, or what illegal material is, we suggest using a helpful search engine such as Google, or a site such as Wikipedia.

What's more is that forum advertising (Which is basically sharing links to a forum) is strictly against the rules and will result in harsh punishment. Note that sharing links in any way is prohibited on this forum. However, posting forum links is okay ONLY if it's posted on the shoutbox and is not spammed. Posting or sharing forum links is not allowed anywhere else on the forum. Furthermore, forum links are only allowed if the forum being advertised is an affiliate of this website. (

Please don't ask why you can't put a website in your profile... It's too obvious.

Hacking this forum or causing harm to it in ANY WAY will result in a permanent ban.

Note that this is not a complete list of rules so "It's not in the rules!" is not an acceptable excuse.

Posted by glitchblaster555 and edited by Seth.D.


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