If you made a pokemon game/hack what would all the details be? If I had a game/hack this is how I will have it. Name: Pokemon Stone Fire Region: Firlian Starters: Turtwig, Cyndaquil, Mudkip. Legendnerys: Heatran (Main legendnery) Mew, Celebi, Manaphy. Towns/Citys: Birthsto Town (Starting Town) Fectorian City (1st gym leader) Nohaph City (2nd gym leader) Vistion Town (Team Bullet hideout) Paser City (3rd gym leader) Poledonp Town (No Gym leader) Makidama City (4th gym leader) Hearailan City (5th gym leader) Passarly Town (No gym leader) Birfarlan City (6th gym leader + Team Bullet hideout 2) Viradion City (7th gym leader) Orantianeon City (8th gym leader) Firlian Tower (Elite Four + Champion) Gym Leaders: Earthan (Male) (Ground type) (1st gym leader) Pokemon: Sandshrew level 9 Moves: Scratch, Sand Attack, Growl. Hippopotas level 12 Moves: Tackle, Growl, Sand Attack, Bite. Narley (Female) (Normal type) (2nd gym leader) Pokemon: Clefairy level 15 Moves: Confusion, Tackle, Sing, Attract. Lickytung Level 17 Moves: Lick, Wrap, Return, Defence Curl. Ricky (Male) (Grass Type) (3rd gym leader) Pokemon: Oddish Level 23 Moves: Mega Drain, Posion Powder, Stun Spore, Leech Seed. Shroomish Level 23 Moves: Mega Drain, Absorb, Tackle, Sleep Powder. Lombre Level 26 Moves: Nature Power, Bubble Beam, Mega Drain, Razor Leaf. Knasher (Male) (Fighting Type) (4th gym leader) Pokemon: Makuhita Level 32 Moves: Arm Thrust, Mach Punch, Body Slam, Low Kick. Hitmonchan Level 34 Moves: Mach Punch, Thunder Punch, Mega Punch, Focus Punch. Machoke Level 35 Moves: Revenge, Focus Punch, Low Kick, Body Slam. Sharia (Female) (Electric Type) (5th gym leader) Pokemon: Electrabuzz Level 40 Moves: Shock Wave, Thunder Bolt, Thunder Wave, Screech. Magneton Level 41 Moves: Lock on, Metal Sound, Thunder Bolt, Mirror Shot. Raichu Level 42 Moves: Thunder Bolt, Iron Tail, Volt Tackle, Thunder Wave. Manetric Level 43 Moves: Extreame Speed, Thunder Bolt, Volt Tackle, Thunder Fang. Jim (Male) (Rock Type) (6th gym leader) Pokemon: Kubutops Level 46 Moves: Stone Edge, Muddy Water, Rock Slide, X Sccisor. Rampardos Level 48 Moves: Earthquake, Headbutt, Rock Slide, Crunch. Golem Level 49 Moves: Rollout, Stone Edge, Rock Slide, Explosion. Vance (Male) (Flying Type) (7th gym leader) Pokemon: Ninjask Level 51 Moves: U-Turn, Air Cutter, Extreame Speed, Wing Attack. Swellow Level 54 Moves: Wing Attack, Roost, Agility, Return. Ninjask Level 51 Moves: U-Turn, Air Cutter, Slash, Wing Attack. Flarena (Female) (Fire Type) (8th gym leader) Pokemon: Camerupt Level 55 Moves: Eruption, Earthquake, Flamethrower, Rock Slide. Magmortar Level 55 Moves: Flamethrower, Fire Punch, Fire Blast, Thunder Bolt. Rapidash Level 56 Moves: Agility, Fire Blast, Horn Attack, Flame Thrower. Flareon Level 55 Moves: Fire Blast, Fire Spin, Flamethrower, Agility . Elite Four: Bob (Male) (Steel Type) (Elite Four number 1) Pokemon: Steelix Level 56 Moves: Metal Head, Iron Tail, Dig, Crunch. Bastiodon Level 57 Moves: Iron Defence, Earthquake, Metal Head, Rock Slide. Skaromy Level 57 Moves: Steel Wing, Air Slash, Extreame Speed, Flash Cannon. Magnezone Level 56 Moves: Thunder Bolt, Flash Cannon, Iron Defence, Supersonic. Jason (Male) (Water Type) (Elite Four number 2) Pokemon: Milotic Level 58 Moves: Surf, Hydro Pump, Agility, Bind. Poliwrath Level 56 Moves: Hydro Pump, Focus Punch, Waterfall, Confuse Ray. Politoed Level 56 Moves: Mega Punch, Encore, Whirlpool, Hydro Pump. Sharpedo Level 57 Moves: Crunch, Dive, Slash, Hydro Pump. Wilton (Male) (Psychic/Ghost Type) (Elite Four number 3) Pokemon: Xatu Level 57 Moves: Psychic, Air Slash, Zen Headbutt, Fly. Hypno Level 58 Moves: Psychic, Hypnoises, Dream Eater, Confuse Ray. Alakazam Level 57 Moves: Psychic, Focus Blast, Protect, Detect. Gengar Level 58 Moves: Psychic, Hypnoises, Dream Eater, Shadow Ball. Draco (Male) (Dragon/Rock Type) (Elite Four number 4) Pokemon: Dragonite Level 58 Moves: Fly, Thunder, Dragon Rush, Blizzard Flygon Level 59 Moves: Air Slash, Dragon Pulse, Hyper Beam, Earthquake. Aerodactl Level 58 Moves: Stone Edge, Air Slash, Dragon Pulse, Crunch. Salamence Level 60 Moves: Hyper Beam, Air SLash, Dragon Rush, Dragon Pulse. Kingdra Level 58 Moves: Hydro Pump, Dragon Pulse, Ice Beam, Dragon Dance. Persy (Male) (Any type) (Elite Four Champion) Pokemon: Torterra Level 62Moves: Leaf Storm, Earthquake, Solar Beam, Bullet Seed. Typlosion Level 62Moves: Eruption, Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Earth Power. Swampert Level 62 Moves: Earthquake, Waterfall, Hydro Pump, Sludge Bomb. Gallade Level 63 Moves: Psychic, Close Combat, Psyco Cut, Focus Blast. Arcanine Level 63 Moves: Fire Blast, Extreame Speed, Flamthrower, Agility Electrivire Level 65 Moves: Thunder, Focus Punch, Hyper Beam, Thunder Punch.
_________________ I am a undercover user... ...and that user is JOKER000!!! Yes, that's right I joker000 ex-fakerater will create the biggest spam war in Super Mario Flash forum history! IT'S THE BEGINNING OF THE END!!! p.s I'm not a girl.
Last edited by Slick Dude on Thu Jun 24, 2010 9:56 pm, edited 6 times in total.