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PostPosted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 2:23 pm 
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In the vast land of Hyrule a war raged on.Noise from the war could be heard in the deepest of pits.A mother fled from the dissasters taking place.
She fled to a sacred forest and died there from the wounds of the trials she had to get there.
The guardian of the forest the Great Deku Tree, allowed him to live in the forest.The boy was sensed a hero.The boy not more than 10 years later was summond by the guardian.''It is time to test thine courage''The tree boomed.At that point he also met his companion... a fairy
Link after that point went on a quest to save the world from the king of destruction...Ganondorf.He succeded.His freind after that fled for unknown resons.
Link went to find the fairy..which led him on a personal quest.To another land filled with dangers.He saved the land from certain doom,but never found his companion.Years have passed Link has become a royal knight.He serves his king and princess with the most of loyalty.
It is 9 years later he is now 19 and living peacfully.he lives in The grand castle of hyrule filled with grand halls and the biggest library you have EVER imangined.Many of the maids flirt with him...even the old ones.
He thinks about his lost freind every day,hoping to find her.He has searched from the peaks of death mountin to the depths of Lake Hylia.Hes searched from the gerudo desert to the forest temple .Little does he know a new evil lurks by,this is my final chapter of my life...My name is Link.

"By the grace of God, I am what I am"
1 Corinthians 15:10

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 2:23 pm 
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-------------Chapter 1------------
The sun shone brightly my face. I sat up rubbing my eyes. Today was the day… we were to meet the Gerudo at Hyrule field. We hoped they would ask them to sighn a treaty. The last couple of weeks they have been raiding Castle town and kakiroo. They stole money tortured people and killed them. The guards were always too late. ’’Well might as well go have breakfast ’’. The king came up to me. ’’Link today is a big day for you, what you have one in the past tells me you’ll do alright but just to warn you, the gerudo are sneaky and greedy theives’’.
I told the king I knew about it. The king or no one else knew I was the Hero of Time. You may be confused about how since I was in the video game The legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time. How I know what a video game is that’s in near chapters of this story. At noon we all [me and 300 men] rode to Hyrule field equipped with swords and shields. We finally got there around 2:00.[again you’ll know that later on] . The gerudo leader came up to me’’ hhhhmmmmppp we won’t sighn that piece of crap, for today I declare war’’. Arrows shot into the air, you could hear them whistle’’ I heard men Behind me yelling in pain. Then I felt a stinging pain in my chest.
I fell back…dead. Or maybe I think so I really never knew. I woke up… I was in the sacred realm. A pedestal with a sword lie in front of me. The sword of Evils bane was the sword inside. I knew what I must do, the sages sent me here for a reason. I pulled the sword out a blue light shone around me. Then I heard a booming voice ‘’ young man an evil approaches with hyrules fate, You must vanguish this evil. Alas, you musttravel across time to several eras in the future and past. The other heros of hyrule wilo be there. You will be in their bodies at that point in time.The hero you posses will simply be in a deep slumber here in the realm. I wish you luck boy’’
I fell to the ground 3 other boys looked at me….weird thing was they were me!!

"By the grace of God, I am what I am"
1 Corinthians 15:10

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 2:24 pm 
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------Chapter 2------
‘’ Are you alright the red one said, that hit you took looked pretty bad’’. Blood was driping from my face..’’Oh yeah I’m alright’’. I stood up I wasn’t as tall as I used to be.’’ Well will you hurry up damn we need to get to Death Mountin, don’t you want to see Zelda…not dead’’ woah wait what’s going on.’’ya know blue we can wait for death mountin, he’s hurt pretty bad, he forgets what happened. Well ill explain, You pulled a sword that made you split into four, You realesaed evil that almost killed all of Hyrule because of your stupid mistakes we have to go and save Hyrule.’’
Then a swarm of chu chu jellies came torwords us. The red one screamed, the blue one threw rocks, and the other one in purple was calm and ready to use his sword. I got up and ran torwaords it and did a spin attack, then a jump slash and a horizontal slice. It killed all of them, then my sword started shaking and was more powerfull. I looked back. Blue was about to kill me, red was crying, and purple was reading .
We travled on to death mountain. We met some pretty strange people and came across towns. Everyday bwe had a sword fight to see who was the best I always won, that’s just an example what 7 years of training AND being the hero of Time can do to you.
There was also the weirdest person I have ever met, his name was tingle what was strange was I met the same person in Termana. He always tried to steal these things called force gems, this made our swords stronger quiker than just fighting[constantly]. So we got all we want but when we wernt looking he tries to steal the big ones[he can never carry them away]. We reached Death Moutain, Or at least the summit. Then a drak figure approached us.

"By the grace of God, I am what I am"
1 Corinthians 15:10

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 3:26 pm 
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Chapter 3
The dark figure came closer. Red stepped back and started breathing heavily. Blue kicked him to get up.’’ Mortals, never truly die they simply wither away, life never ends it simply withers. Like a river of memories. Oh memories of you still bring me back. The fact there are four of you simply does not matter for I am your shadow. What changes you changes me, except that I am far greater and wealthy with power than I used to be.’’
He disappeared and stood in front of me. I heard the sound ‘’shing’’ Blue was ready to fight. He cursed under his breath. Purple only hung on to his shield, and red well he hid behind me. Then the dark figure came into his true form….It was Dark Link. Then he raised his sword into the air, three other figures came out of his sword. There stood four Dark Links. Each had the same look except on their sword handle on the bottom there is a gem with different colors, green, blue, red, and purple.
I sung at one with a red gem… no effect! Purple then yelled out ‘’ Attack the one with the same colored gem that you have.’’ Purple then swung at the purple gemed one. The shadow blocked it but purple was smart enough and swung at his legs, then rolled behind him and stabbed him in the back. The Shadow then evaporated into nothingness.
Purple then tried to help us by saying watch out, and other helpful orders. I tried to swing at my enemy but he knew my every move unlike the others. Then both red and his shadow were scared to death. Blue fought greatly and was really fast with his swings. He jumped attacked hit his shadows head then rolled to the back he tried to do a horizontal slice but his shadow swung around and blocked it. Blue than stepped on the shadows foot then kicked him in the gut, after that poked him in the eye and then stabbed the shadow in his chest.
The shadow evaporated. I still was having trouble with mine. Our swings were evenly matched. I can’t blame him for being good. Then red and his shadow started fighting after saying the same thing at the same time’’ please don’t hurt me’’. Red belive it or not was better than the others. He defended his territory greatly. He sword butted his opponent and killed him after simply slicing him.
Then my oppenet tried to slice me again then I had the best idea. ‘’ One of you throw me your sword’’ Purple still yelling orders followed mine. He threw me his sword I spun around, still spinning I caught it and finished my spin killing the shadow. Then a voice boomed ‘’ this won’t be the last of me if there is a hero there will ALWAYS be a villain to fight him’’
Then I blacked out.

"By the grace of God, I am what I am"
1 Corinthians 15:10

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 6:19 pm 
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------Chapter 4-----
I woke up in a dense forest trees and sounds of animals filled the air. Birds sang and grass danced. Then there was a sudden silence .A deep voice boomed ‘’You have passed the first trial, you have gained power. Yet you don’t know exactly why you are here!’’ Then a man in a dark robe came down.’’ My name is Clone. I am what you call a…twili. Once long ago in gerudo desert there was a prison. For the worst murders, theifs,and other horrible crime commiting people in Hyrule! The prison called Arbiters Grounds. They all did these horrible things for one thing…the golden power, light force,… triforce!’’ he then stepped torward me. ‘’ Well you seemed surprised’’ I stepped back, there was a glistening sharp object in his pocket of his armor under his robe.
He started again ‘’ You have been brought here for a reason you are the Hero of Time. Only the hero can time travel with no great focus of power. You have met other hylian heroes. The trouble they were facing will take place in the future. You don’t need to worry about it they will overcome the evil and simply become a mere legend that survives on the winds breath. Yet the reason you posses the body of the hero is there is a danger that will with no doubt turn hyrule then the rest of the world into a world of darkness.
He then waved his hand into the air, a small moving picture came into the air. People screaming , blood on the ground , people crying, monsters killing, then a boy tried to fight a monster with a stick, he struck a moblin but simply hit the monster the monster turned around and threw the kid against a wall. The picture disappeared.
I stood up then replied ‘’what do I need to do’’. “Glad you asked you see we…I need you. There are portals through time, to other time periods. You will posses other heroes and return power to The sword of of Time. This sword is a sword no greater than the master sword. It can control time at leisure . Yet you need the shards of the sacred stones hidden in each time period. Each you recover will contribute to the power in the Sword of Time, Then you will have enough energy to travel to the next time period may the echoes of time be with you!
The next thing I knew I was on a pyramid. On top of one. I could see a darkend world…. Filled with ugly sights. Monsters scaled the fields. Looking for something….. power! The monsters seemed stronger in this world. The purple skies and dark clouds made it harder to see. I looked at myself. I had sleeves, They were brown. Yet I had no under tights.. My shield was very nice and big, I had a green floppy hat, a huge inventory of weapons, and I had a sword…. No it couldn’t be…it had to be …. It was The Master Sword.
I started walking down the many flights of the pyramid. There were muscular monsters at the bottom of the pyramid. They threw bombs at things and never stopped! I dodged the bombs, rolled to the monsters legs then stabbed it in the stomach. I looked around more different sorts of monsters were in sight. I looked in my bag I had on my right hip. I for some reason had 7 crystals. I kept them there just in case the real body needed them.
I started walking around stabbing and defending myself from the monsters searching for the shard of the power. I walked for hours…… will I ever find the shard!

"By the grace of God, I am what I am"
1 Corinthians 15:10

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 5:45 am 
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Im writing a better fan fiction on zelda universe my name on there is hylienlegacy, Yeah I know i spelt it wrong.

"By the grace of God, I am what I am"
1 Corinthians 15:10

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